Devices & Diagnostics

A healthcare design primer: 5 cool articles that will help you get up to speed

Interested in how design improves life? Check out these three articles to get a handle on how human-centered design could rock healthcare. 1. “Designing Social Networks for Young Behavorial Healthcare Patients” I love this. At  Healthcare Design Magazine, how inviting, home-like interiors and shared creative spaces meet teens’ developmental needs at substance-abuse facilities. 2. “Healthcare […]

Devices & Diagnostics

One startup’s quest: Standardize neonatal resuscitations, guide physicians through crisis events

A country physician-turned-innovator has created a device to help physicians resuscitate the more than 10 percent* of babies who are born not breathing. Neonatal is a growing area of global concern and has a lot of room for innovation. Already, nonprofit Helping Babies Breathe, an American Academy of Pediatrics program, educates birth attendants on how to […]